Health Insurance for Kids

Select the level of kids health insurance cover you need to compare and get a quote.
There aren’t many (if any) health insurance policies that cover kids only
To get coverage for your child, you’ll need a family policy
Young dependents can typically be added to a family policy at no extra cost
There aren’t many (if any) health insurance policies that cover kids only
To get coverage for your child, you’ll need a family policy
Young dependents can typically be added to a family policy at no extra cost

Health Insurance for Kids - What You Need to Know

When it comes to your little ones, having health insurance is more than just a box to tick—it's a vital safeguard for their well-being. It's all about ensuring that your child gets the healthcare they need without putting a strain on your finances.

Comprehensive coverage brings peace of mind, knowing that your child's medical needs, and even the whole family’s needs, are taken care of.

Whether it's regular check-ups or specialised treatments, health insurance opens doors to a network of providers and services designed to meet the unique needs of growing kids.

But it's not just about your child's health. Health insurance for children in Australia also provides valuable support for parents.

It eases the financial burden by covering a significant portion of medical expenses, reducing those out-of-pocket costs that can add up quickly. Plus, certain rebates can provide additional savings.

By investing in health insurance, you can navigate the healthcare system with confidence, knowing that your child's well-being is protected and your family's financial security is prioritised.

Benefits of Family Health Insurance for Kids

When it comes to taking care of your family, it’s important you choose a family health insurance policy that provides comprehensive coverage for your kids and the whole family.

Let’s start with. hospital treatment

Life is unpredictable, and having this coverage ensures that if your child faces an unexpected illness or injury, they can receive the necessary medical attention without the stress of exorbitant hospital fees. Whether it's a hospital stay, surgery, or specialised treatments, your child's health needs are covered, giving you peace of mind during challenging times.

But it's not just about hospital treatment. Family health insurance also covers consultations with healthcare professionals. This means you can easily schedule appointments with doctors, specialists, and paediatricians to address any health concerns or seek expert advice.

What about extras cover ?

Family health insurance often goes the extra mile by covering a range of extra health services. Imagine having coverage for dental check-upsdental check-ups, podiatry orthodontics, and even physiotherapy. It's a comprehensive healthcare solution for your entire family.

Many policies also offer a variety of additional benefits, like coverage for prescription medications, vaccinations, mental health services , and alternative therapies. By having access to these benefits, you can ensure your child receives well-rounded care that addresses their unique health needs.

Choosing a family health insurance policy is not just about prioritising your child's health, but also ensuring their long-term well-being. The peace of mind that comes with knowing you have coverage for hospital treatment, consultations, and a range of health services is truly priceless. It frees you up to focus on what truly matters – making precious memories with your family while knowing their health is protected.

How Much Does Health Insurance for Kids Cost?

Health insurance premiums are the regular payments you make to maintain your coverage. These payments can be made monthly, quarterly, or annually, depending on the policy and provider you choose.

The premium amount is determined based on several factors, including the level of coverage you select, the age of your children, and the type of policy you opt for.

When considering the cost of premiums, it's important to understand the factors that can influence their amount.

Generally, policies with higher levels of coverage and broader benefits tend to have higher premiums. Likewise, the age of your children can impact the premium cost, as younger children typically have lower healthcare expenses compared to older ones.

To find affordable health insurance options for your family, consider these tips:
  1. Assess your family's healthcare needs: Evaluate the specific health needs of your children and your family as a whole. This will help you determine the level of coverage required and avoid paying for unnecessary extras.
  2. Compare different providers: Research and compare the offerings of different health insurance providers. Look for policies that align with your family's needs while also considering the cost implications.
  3. Consider excess and co-payment options: Some policies offer lower premiums by introducing an excess or co-payment requirement. Assess whether these options align with your family's budget and healthcare preferences.
  4. Explore government rebates: The Australian government provides rebates on private health insurance premiums, which can significantly reduce your out-of-pocket expenses. Check your eligibility for these rebates and factor them into your cost considerations.

Remember, finding affordable health insurance does not mean compromising on the coverage your family requires. It's about striking the right balance between cost and benefits.

By taking the time to compare policies, understand premium factors, and explore potential savings through rebates, you can find a health insurance option that provides the necessary coverage for your children's healthcare needs while also being mindful of your budget.

Waiting Periods and Age Limits

Waiting periods are defined periods of time during which certain services or treatments are not covered by your health insurance policy.

These waiting periods are in place to prevent individuals from joining a health insurance policy solely to claim immediate benefits for pre-existing conditions.

The duration of waiting periods can vary depending on the service or treatment, ranging from a few months to a year.

During the waiting period, your child may not be eligible to receive coverage for certain services. It's important to carefully review the waiting periods outlined in your policy to understand which services are affected and for how long.

Common services that often have waiting periods include major dental work, orthodontics|/extras-cover/dental/orthodontics/, pregnancy-related services, and re-existing conditions .

Age limits are another important aspect to consider when it comes to child dependants and their coverage under your health insurance policy. Health insurance policies typically have age limits that define until what age a child can be covered as a dependant. Once they reach a certain age, they may need to transition to their own policy or be covered under a different category.

Age limits can vary between health insurance providers and policies, so it's crucial to review the specific terms and conditions of your policy. Some policies may cover child dependants until they reach the age of 18, while others extend coverage until they turn 21 or even 31, especially if they are studying full-time.

It's important to note that age limits may differ for different types of services, such as hospital cover , extras cover , or specific treatments.

NOTE: Exceptions and exemptions related to waiting periods and age limits may exist in certain cases. For example, if you are switching from one health insurance provider to another and have already served waiting periods for specific services, the new provider may grant exemptions or reduce the waiting periods accordingly. Meanwhile, certain life events, such as marriage or the birth of a child, might allow you to add them to your policy without having to serve additional waiting periods.

Choosing the Right Health Insurance Provider for Your Family & Kids

Choosing the right health insurance provider is a crucial decision that directly impacts the well-being of your family. To ensure you make an informed choice, there are several key factors to consider.

  1. Level of Cover: Assess the level of cover offered by different providers. Consider the specific services and treatments that are included, such as hospital cover, extras cover, and specialist consultations. Look for a provider that offers a comprehensive range of services aligned with your family's healthcare requirements.
  2. Annual Limits: Take into account the annual limits set by the provider for different services. These limits determine the maximum amount you can claim for specific treatments within a given year. Ensure that the provider's annual limits adequately cover your family's expected healthcare expenses.
  3. Out-of-Pocket Costs: Consider the out-of-pocket costs associated with each provider. These are the expenses you must pay yourself, even with health insurance coverage. Compare the out-of-pocket costs for services such as hospital stays, surgeries, and specialist consultations to understand the financial implications.
  4. Extras Cover: Determine if the provider offers extras cover, which includes services like dental check-ups, physiotherapy, and optical treatments. If your family has specific needs in these areas, selecting a provider that offers comprehensive extras cover can be highly beneficial.
  5. Hospital Cover: Assess the hospital cover options provided by each provider. Understand the range of treatments and services covered under their hospital policies, including surgeries, overnight stays, and emergency care. Ensure the provider's hospital cover aligns with your family's potential healthcare needs.
  6. Lifetime Health Cover Loading: Familiarise yourself with the concept of lifetime health cover loading, which is an additional cost applied to your premium if you did not take out private hospital cover before the age of 31. Consider providers that offer reasonable pricing and loading structures to avoid unnecessary financial burdens.

What’s The Best Health Insurance for Kids?

When it comes to finding the best health insurance for your kids, it's important to consider their unique healthcare needs and your family's budget. With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to navigate through the different policies and providers.

That's where our simple comparison tool comes in. By using our tool, you can easily compare various health insurance plans, their coverage, and costs side by side. It takes the guesswork out of finding the best deal and helps you make an informed decision for your family.

Don't settle for anything less than the best when it comes to your kids' health. Try our comparison tool today and discover the perfect health insurance plan that provides comprehensive coverage and fits your budget.


1. Can a single parent get health insurance coverage for their child?

Yes, there are single parent health insurance policies designed to provide comprehensive coverage for their child's healthcare needs. Parent policies will vary form provider to provider so it’s best to compare health funds before making a decision.

How does Medicare coverage work for student dependants?

Student dependants can be covered under their parents' Medicare until they reach a certain age or complete their studies, depending on the circumstances. Medicare coverage for student dependants helps ensure access to essential healthcare services while they pursue their education.

Is it possible to include an adult dependant under a health insurance policy?

Yes, it is possible to include an adult dependant under a health insurance policy. Many health insurance providers offer options to extend coverage to adult dependants, such as adult children or elderly family members, ensuring they have access to healthcare services. This is typically until adult dependants turn 31.

Can full-time students have their own health insurance policy?

Yes, full-time students can have their own health insurance policy. Many health insurance providers offer policies specifically designed for students, providing coverage for a range of healthcare needs tailored to their student status